Lockerz Point Adder to Hack Lockerz Account

Lockerz Hacker to hack Lockerz account: Bind Lockerz Point Adder with Keylogger

Here i am posting this fake Lockerz Point Adder software to help you bind your keylogger server. This Lockerz Point Adder software seems to be used to add points to your Lockerz account, but actually this is fake Lockerz Point Adder software used only as means for installing server binded with it on victim computer.

Lockerz Point Adder to Bind Server

Lockerz Point Adder can be used to bind your keylogger and trojan servers.

1. Free Download Lockerz Point Adder software to bind server of keylogger.

2. Lockerz Point Adder is fake application which appears to hack Lockerz account by adding free points, like this:

Note: Lockerz Point Adder is a FAKE application. It doesn't send any points to your Lockerz account. It is only used to fool victim and to bind our keylogger server.

3. Now, use Azure Keylogger and create a keylogger server. Crypt it using Azure Crypter and get the crypted server.

4. Using Shock Labs File Binder utility, bind this crypted server to Wow hacker.exe downloaded in Step 1.

5. Now, send this binded Lockerz Point Adder to victim and tell him this Lockerz Point Adder is used to send points to his Lockerz account for free. You can use Social Engineering for this. So as long as he runs Lockerz Point Adder.exe on his computer, your keylogger server is installed on his computer.

If victim enters all information and hits on "ADD!", he gets message box like this:

So friends, I hope you can now use Lockerz Point Adder to hack victim password by installing keylogger on his computer. I will be posting more fake programs like Lockerz Point Adder over here. Enjoy Hacking ☺

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